Saturday, September 19, 2009

Talk like a pirate day.

Today is the Talk like a pirate day. I didn't know I discovery it TODAY, but I love this idea.
So, ARRRRG Me and my parrot want to present to you Johnny and Orlando, ARRRG. If you know this names for somewhere else, I want you to know that was not me that stole this names, they stole from me. HAHA
Now I have to clean my eyepatch.
Careful not to walk on the plank.


  1. Não sei se o outro comentário foi, mas se foi nem era pra ter comentado longada naquela conta, é mo antiga O_O Enfim, se não foi eu disse que os verdadeidos são mais bonitos! Orlando e Johnny ♥

  2. Os verdadeiros podem ser mais bonitos, mas só esses tem o charme Patal. HAHA
